Friday, September 13, 2013

The place to be or Avoid! Washington, Dc

The Big Chair Cafe and Lounge

The Big chair cafe and lounge. Is this the place to be or avoid?!  This place before hand I used to come to but did not enjoy the price of convenience or the atmosphere. I did not seem to suit me or even the neighborhood it belonged to. Now, before I deter you. The Big Chair Cafe and Lounge is under new Management. I walked by just noticing it was open later than the usual time I had seen it open. And something just seemed different. So as I was staring at the new cosmetics on the out side I had noticed the times on the new glass door. The new owner(Michael Sterling) was waving for us(me and my girlfriend) to step inside, but even though I denied his welcome he still greeted me at the door with open arms. He told me that he had taken over ownership and made some cosmetic adjustments worth while. While I paid Mr. Sterling's cafe another visit I came about an hour before closing on Sunday. There was a open feel to the cafe now. Like eery business there is competition right around the corner.If you do not mind The 2nd floor is a space used for more crowded nights, when the lounge is supporting the night lifers. The menu is pretty simple not to much but then not to little. Going from breakfast, lunch, and a little dinner. Having second floor seating, and soon to coming out door seating when weather permits. The crowd is always friendly and welcoming seeming as though most live, and or work in the neighborhood. And do not worry if its getting closed to closing as long as there are few people he will stay open way past closing just so you can enjoy yourself.

This is the place to be so why not come down and enjoy the mixed crowds and drinks, The delicious food and entertainment.

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